
Death cancels everything but truth. 죽음은 모든 것을 취소하지만 진실은 취소하지 못한다. – Truth06DE

Death cancels everything but truth. Meaning 의미 This sentence describes the permanence of truths that are independent of time or circumstance. 이 문장은 시간이나 상황과 무관한 진리의 영속성을 설명하고 있습니다.. … Origin 유래 This sentence was written by the English critic and writer William Hazlitt (1778-1830) in his 1825 book of criticism, “The Sprit of … Read more

Adversity is the first path to truth. 역경은 진리에 이르는 첫 번째 길이다. – Adversity03PT

Adversity is the first path to truth. Meaning 의미 It means that difficulties and challenges provide us with opportunities to discover our true selves and grow. It indicates that by overcoming difficulties and adversity, we can gain better understanding and wisdom. In this sentence, we can see that truth means self-reflection and a better understanding … Read more

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 아무것도 기대하지 않는 사람에겐 복이 있나니. 왜냐하면 그는 결코 실망하지 않을 것이기 때문이다. – Disappoint01N

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Meaning 의미 The meaning of the proverb is that someone who does not have high expectations or anticipations will not be let down or disappointed when things do not go as planned. It suggests that having low or no expectations can lead to … Read more

One hand finds it hard to applaud. 한 손으로는 박수 치기가 어렵다. – Hand14

One hand finds it hard to applaud. Meaning 의미 This proverb can be interpreted in two ways 이 속담은 다음의 두 가지 의미로 해석될 수 있습니다. … Origin 유래 We can’t find the source of this English proverb, but a search suggests that it’s a translation of the Korean proverb “Clapping also requires two hands … Read more

A kind word never broke any body’s mouth. 친절한 말은 결코 어떤 사람의 입을 부러뜨리지 않는다. – Word01BM

A kind word never broke any body’s mouth. Meaning 의미 The sentence suggests that using kind and considerate language when communicating with others is always a safe and positive choice. It implies that speaking kindly does not lead to negative consequences or harm. 이 문장은 다른 사람과 소통할 때 친절하고 사려 깊은 언어를 사용하는 것이 … Read more

A word of kindness is better than a fat pie. 친절한 말 한마디가 기름기 있는 파이보다 낫다. – Word06KP

A word of kindness is better than a fat pie. Meaning 의미 The sentence conveys the message that offering kind words and gestures has greater worth or significance than providing material gifts or indulging in excess (= fat pie). It suggests that showing compassion, empathy, and goodwill through speech is a meaningful and valuable action. … Read more

Acts speak louder than words. 행위는 말보다 더 크게 말한다. – Act03W

Acts speak louder than words. Meaning 의미 This proverb emphasizes that actions are a more reliable indicator of one’s true intentions, character, and values than what is spoken. It suggests that people should be judged based on what they do, rather than what they say they will do. 이 속담은 말보다 행동이 사람의 진정한 의도, … Read more

God helps them that help themselves. 신은 스스로 돕는 자를 돕는다. – God12H

God helps them that help themselves. Meaning 의미 “God helps them that help themselves” is perhaps the most frequently quoted phrase not found in the Bible, emphasizing the importance of self-directed action and individual agency. “신은 스스로 돕는 자를 돕는다”는 말은 성경에서 찾을 수 없는 가장 자주 인용되는 문구일 것입니다. 자기 주도적 행동과 개인의 선택 … Read more

The devil never grants long leases. 악마는 결코 장기 임대를 허용하지 않는다. – Devil14L

The devil never grants long leases. Meaning 의미 The devil takes it all away at some point, which means that whatever you rent from the devil, you don’t own forever, which means that any temporary good fortune that isn’t due to hard work won’t last. 악마는 언젠가는 모든 것을 빼앗아가기 때문에, 악마에게 무엇을 임대하더라도 영원히 … Read more

The husband’s mother is the wife’s devil. 남편의 어머니는 아내의 악마이다. – Devil16HMW

The husband’s mother is the wife’s devil. Meaning 의미 The proverb seems to convey a negative view of the relationship between a husband’s mother and his wife. There’s a perception that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship are an age-old problem. 이 속담은 남편의 어머니와 그의 부인과의 관계에 대한 부정적인 견해를 전달하는 것으로 보입니다. 고부 관계는 동서고금을 … Read more