
Spoil the ship for a ha’p’orth of tar. 아주 적은 양의 타르 때문에 배를 망치다. – Ship09ST

Spoil the ship for a ha’p’orth of tar. Meaning 의미 This proverb conveys the idea that neglecting or failing to address a small or seemingly insignificant issue can lead to much larger problems or failures in the long run. It emphasizes the importance of paying attention to details and taking preventive measures. 이 속담은 작거나 … Read more

Spare the rod and spoil the child. 매질을 아끼면 자식을 망친다. – Child33RS

Spare the rod and spoil the child. Meaning 의미 If you don’t discipline a child, it’s hard to teach them obedience and manners, hence the proverb that emphasizes the importance of discipline. 아이를 훈계하지 않으면 순종하는 법과 예절을 가르치기 어렵습니다. 따라서 훈육의 중요성을 강조한 속담입니다. … Origin 유래 This proverb comes from the Old Testament, … Read more

One rotten apple spoils the barrel. 썩은 사과 하나가 한 통의 사과를 망친다. – Apple03BOS

One rotten apple spoils the barrel. Meaning 의미 This proverb means that negativity can easily spread to other people and other things. For example, if someone exposes a negativity, he can create a negative outlook for those around him. 이 속담은 부정적인 영향이 다른 사람, 다른 사물들에게 쉽게 전파될 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 예를 들어, … Read more

Too much zeal spoils all. 지나친 열심은 모든 것을 망친다. – Zeal01AS

Too much zeal spoils all. Meaning 의미 This proverb conveys the idea that excessive or excessive indulgence in something can lead to negative consequences. It suggests that moderation and balance are essential in many aspects of life to avoid adverse outcomes. 이 속담은 어떤 것에 과도하거나 과도하게 방종하면 부정적인 결과를 초래할 수 있다는 생각을 전하고 … Read more

He that increases knowledge increases sorrow. 지식을 더하는 자는 근심을 더하느니라. – Knowledge04S

He that increases knowledge increases sorrow. Meaning 의미 This proverb has an ironic meaning as knowledge increases, so does unhappiness. Since you can see as good as you know, gaining knowledge can often lead you to more awareness of a problem and more trouble. 이 속담은 지식을 늘리면 불행함도 늘어난다는 아이러니한 의미를 담고 있습니다. 사람은 … Read more

A silent mouth is melodious. 침묵하는 입은 아름다운 소리를 낸다. – Mouth06

A silent mouth is melodious. Meaning 의미 “A silent mouth” refers to someone who is not speaking or is being quiet.“Is melodious” suggests that silence can be pleasing or harmonious in some way.The overall meaning of the sentence could be interpreted as follows: Silence can be beautiful or pleasant in certain situations, implying that sometimes … Read more

Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbors. 기쁨과 슬픔은 옆집 이웃 간이다. – Joy07DNS

Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbors. Meaning 의미 The explanation is that joy and sadness are as intertwined as next-door neighbors, meaning that positive and negative moments in life can occur in close proximity to each other, and sometimes a positive experience can be followed by a negative one, and vice versa. 기쁨과 슬픔은 옆집에 … Read more

One hair of a woman draws more than a bell rope. 여자의 머리칼 하나는 종을 매단 밧줄보다 강하다. – Hair02BRW

One hair of a woman draws more than a bell rope. Meaning 의미 The meaning of this sentence seems to suggest that small and seemingly insignificant actions or traits of a woman can have a significant impact or draw more attention or reaction than something much larger and more noticeable, like a bell rope. 이 … Read more