Contents (목차)
Woman was God’s second mistake. Meaning 의미
It means that God created himself, but he is threatened by the woman who introduced science and knowledge.
신이 스스로 창조했지만, 과학과 지식을 도입한 여자로 인해 신이 위협을 받고 있음을 의미합니다.
Origin 유래
- German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s book ‘The Anti-Christ’ page 46
- 독일의 철학자 프리드리히 니체(Fridrih Nietzsche, 1844 ~ 1900)의 저서 ‘안티-크리스트’ 46페이지
- “The old God, wholly ‘spirit’, wholly high-priest, wholly perfection, takes a stroll in his garden: but he is bored. Even gods cannot escape boredom. What does he do? He invents human beings, – the human is entertaining . . . But look, even the human is bored. God has boundless compassion for the only problem in any paradise: soon he creates other animals too. God’s first mistake: the human was not amused by the other animals, – he ruled over them, he did not even want to be an ‘animal’. –
So God created woman. And this really did put an end to boredom, – but it put an end to other things as well! The woman was God’s second mistake. – ‘The woman is by nature a serpent, Heva’ – every priest knows this; ‘woman brings all troubles into the world’ – every priest knows this too. ‘Consequently she brings science as well’ … It was woman .who taught people to eat from the tree of knowledge. – What had happened? The old God was scared stiff. People had turned out to be his biggest mistake…”
- “The old God, wholly ‘spirit’, wholly high-priest, wholly perfection, takes a stroll in his garden: but he is bored. Even gods cannot escape boredom. What does he do? He invents human beings, – the human is entertaining . . . But look, even the human is bored. God has boundless compassion for the only problem in any paradise: soon he creates other animals too. God’s first mistake: the human was not amused by the other animals, – he ruled over them, he did not even want to be an ‘animal’. –
Korean Proverbs 우리말 속담
- N/A, 알 수 없음.
Similar Proverbs 유사 속담
There is no exact match, it is a proverb or aphorism about the role of women in relation to men.
정확히 일치하는 속담은 없으며, 남성에 대한 여성의 역할에 대한 속담 또는 격언입니다.
- A man excite the world, but a woman excite the man. 남자는 천하를 움직이고, 여자는 그 남자를 움직인다.
- Woman is man’s confusion. 여성은 남성의 혼란의 근원이다. by Geoffrey Chaucer (English writer and poet.)
Usage 활용
This proverb can be used to advise a man to be wary of a particular woman.
이 속담은 남성에게 특정 여성을 조심하라고 조언할 때 쓸 수 있습니다.
Vocabularies 어휘
- N/A.