영어속담모음 English Proverbs Collection

Faithful friend is like a phoenix. 충실한 친구는 불사조와 같다. – Friend28P

Faithful friend is like a phoenix. Meaning 의미 The simile “Faithful friend is like a phoenix” suggests that a loyal and trustworthy friend is rare and valuable, much like the mythical phoenix. The phoenix is a legendary bird that is said to rise from its ashes after being consumed by flames, symbolizing rebirth and immortality. … Read more

Anticipation is the enemy of pleasure. 기대는 즐거움의 적이다. – Anticipation01EP

Anticipation is the enemy of pleasure. Meaning 의미 The meaning of the sentence suggests that when we build up high expectations or excessively anticipate a particular event, activity, or outcome, we may set ourselves up for disappointment. The anticipation can overshadow the actual experience, making it less enjoyable than it would be if we approached … Read more

A mind conscious of guilt is its own accuser. 죄의식을 느끼는 마음은 자신의 고발자이다. – Accuse02GM

A mind conscious of guilt is its own accuser. Meaning 의미 The saying conveys the idea that a person who is aware of their guilt or wrongdoing carries the burden of self-accusation within their own mind. In other words, when someone has committed a wrongful act or has a guilty conscience, they may experience feelings … Read more

Complain to one who can help you. 너를 도울 수 있는 이에게 불평하라. – Complain01H

Complain to one who can help you. Meaning 의미 The saying advises people to direct their complaints or grievances to someone who has the capability and willingness to offer assistance or take action. It implies that venting frustrations to someone who cannot offer any help is unproductive and may not lead to a resolution. By … Read more

Don’t complain about something that is given. 공짜로 얻은 것에 대해 불평하지 마라. – Complain02

Don’t complain about something that is given. Meaning 의미 If you give someone a gift and they complain that they have something better, or that it’s missing something, they’ll never buy it for you again. In other words, if you get something for free or a favor from someone, be grateful for it, regardless of … Read more

Ignorance is bliss. 무지는 행복이다. – Ignorance04B

Ignorance is bliss. Meaning 의미 The saying suggests that not knowing certain information or being unaware of certain facts can sometimes lead to a more content and happy life. In other words, if you are unaware of certain troubling or distressing realities, you may be happier than if you were fully aware of them. This … Read more

A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one. – 배운 돌대가리가 무지한 사람보다 더 한 돌대가리다. – Ignorance01BHO

A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one. Meaning 의미 The saying conveys the idea that someone who is knowledgeable or educated but lacks common sense, practical wisdom, or good judgment can be even more foolish or impractical than someone who is completely ignorant or uneducated. In other words, intellectual knowledge alone … Read more

Ignorance of the law excuses no one. – 법의 무지는 아무도 봐주지 않는다. – Law05IO

Ignorance of the law excuses no one. Meaning 의미 The saying conveys the idea that lack of knowledge or awareness about the law does not provide a valid excuse or defense for breaking it. In other words, not knowing that a certain action is against the law does not absolve an individual from the legal … Read more

Custom rules the law. 관습은 법률을 다스린다. – Law01C

Custom rules the law. Meaning 의미 The phrase “Custom rules the law” suggests that the customs, traditions, or established practices of a society can have more significant power or impact than the formal legal system. It implies that the unwritten rules and traditions within a community may be followed and respected even if they conflict … Read more

Love’s dominion, like a king’s, admits of no partition. 사랑의 통치는 왕의 그것처럼 분할을 인정하지 않는다. – Love56DKP

Love’s dominion, like a king’s, admits of no partition. Meaning 의미 The phrase suggests that the domain or control of love, similar to that of a king’s rule, cannot be divided or shared. It implies that when love holds sway, it encompasses the entirety of a person’s heart and emotions, leaving no room for any … Read more