
If we had no faults, we would not take so much pleasure in nothing them in others. 만일 우리 자신에게 결점이 없다면 다른 사람의 결점에도 그다지 흥미를 느끼지 못할 것이다. – Fault10NP

If we had no faults, we would not take so much pleasure in nothing them in others. Meaning 의미 If we were perfect, we wouldn’t try to understand other people’s fault. This proverb means that by recognizing the fault in others, you can begin to recognize your own, and by comparing the two, you can … Read more

Adversity is the first path to truth. 역경은 진리에 이르는 첫 번째 길이다. – Adversity03PT

Adversity is the first path to truth. Meaning 의미 It means that difficulties and challenges provide us with opportunities to discover our true selves and grow. It indicates that by overcoming difficulties and adversity, we can gain better understanding and wisdom. In this sentence, we can see that truth means self-reflection and a better understanding … Read more

A word of kindness is better than a fat pie. 친절한 말 한마디가 기름기 있는 파이보다 낫다. – Word06KP

A word of kindness is better than a fat pie. Meaning 의미 The sentence conveys the message that offering kind words and gestures has greater worth or significance than providing material gifts or indulging in excess (= fat pie). It suggests that showing compassion, empathy, and goodwill through speech is a meaningful and valuable action. … Read more

The old pipe gives the sweetest smoke. 오래된 파이프가 가장 달콤한 연기를 낸다. – Smoke04P

The old pipe gives the sweetest smoke. Meaning 의미 The meaning of the sentence could be interpreted in different ways. 문장의 의미는 다양한 방식으로 해석될 수 있습니다. Literal Meaning: In a literal sense, the sentence might suggest that an old or well-seasoned smoking pipe produces a more enjoyable smoking experience due to its age and … Read more

Faithful friend is like a phoenix. 충실한 친구는 불사조와 같다. – Friend28P

Faithful friend is like a phoenix. Meaning 의미 The simile “Faithful friend is like a phoenix” suggests that a loyal and trustworthy friend is rare and valuable, much like the mythical phoenix. The phoenix is a legendary bird that is said to rise from its ashes after being consumed by flames, symbolizing rebirth and immortality. … Read more

Anticipation is the enemy of pleasure. 기대는 즐거움의 적이다. – Anticipation01EP

Anticipation is the enemy of pleasure. Meaning 의미 The meaning of the sentence suggests that when we build up high expectations or excessively anticipate a particular event, activity, or outcome, we may set ourselves up for disappointment. The anticipation can overshadow the actual experience, making it less enjoyable than it would be if we approached … Read more

Love’s dominion, like a king’s, admits of no partition. 사랑의 통치는 왕의 그것처럼 분할을 인정하지 않는다. – Love56DKP

Love’s dominion, like a king’s, admits of no partition. Meaning 의미 The phrase suggests that the domain or control of love, similar to that of a king’s rule, cannot be divided or shared. It implies that when love holds sway, it encompasses the entirety of a person’s heart and emotions, leaving no room for any … Read more

As is the king, so are his people. 왕이 그러하니, 백성도 그러하다. _ King03P

Meaning 의미 Sometimes “As is the king, so are his people.” suggests that the behavior, values, and actions of a ruler or leader have a significant impact on the overall character and conduct of the citizens or followers. It implies that if a king or ruler is just, fair, and virtuous, the people under their … Read more

No pain, no gain. 노력 없이는 얻는 것도 없다. – Gain01P

No pain, no gain. Meaning 의미 This proverb means that the cost of hard and painful work can be rewarded with greater value in the future. 이 속담은 힘들고 고통스러운 작업의 대가로 미래에 가치가 더 큰 보상을 얻을 수 있다는 의미입니다. … Origin 유래 A concept similar to this proverb goes back to the ancient … Read more

It is no time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead. 환자가 죽었을 때는 의사에게 갈 시간이 아니다. – Time13DP

It is no time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead. Meaning 의미 This proverb emphasizes the importance of taking timely action and making proactive decisions. It implies that it is futile or pointless to seek help or take action after a critical situation has already reached its unfortunate outcome. In other … Read more