
Love’s dominion, like a king’s, admits of no partition. 사랑의 통치는 왕의 그것처럼 분할을 인정하지 않는다. – Love56DKP

Love’s dominion, like a king’s, admits of no partition. Meaning 의미 The phrase suggests that the domain or control of love, similar to that of a king’s rule, cannot be divided or shared. It implies that when love holds sway, it encompasses the entirety of a person’s heart and emotions, leaving no room for any … Read more

The dog rages at the stone, not at him who throws it. 개는 돌을 던지는 사람이 아니라, 돌에게 화를 낸다. – Dog22S

Meaning 의미 “The dog rages at the stone, not at him who throws it” conveys the idea that sometimes individuals direct their anger or frustration at irrelevant or innocent targets, rather than confronting the actual source of their troubles or grievances. It implies that people may misplace their blame or lash out at symbols or … Read more

One of the great disadvantages of hurry is that it takes such a long time. 서두름의 가장 큰 단점 중 하나는 시간이 너무 오래 걸린다는 것이다. _ Time29DH

Meaning 의미 The sentence implies that rushing or hurrying through tasks can actually result in a longer overall time requirement. When individuals rush without proper planning or attention, they may make mistakes or encounter setbacks that need to be rectified later, thus extending the time needed to complete the task. The sentence emphasizes the counterintuitive … Read more

It is no time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead. 환자가 죽었을 때는 의사에게 갈 시간이 아니다. – Time13DP

It is no time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead. Meaning 의미 This proverb emphasizes the importance of taking timely action and making proactive decisions. It implies that it is futile or pointless to seek help or take action after a critical situation has already reached its unfortunate outcome. In other … Read more

D시작 단어 속담 – D starting word Proverbs (182 sayings)

D 시작 단어 속담

Dance Proverbs 춤, 춤추다 속담 … Daughter Proverbs 딸 속담 A diamond daughter turns to glass as a wife. 다이아몬드 딸이 아내가 되어 유리로 변하다. Daughters are fragile wares. 딸은 깨지기 쉬운 물건이다. Like mother, like daughter. 그 어머니에 그 딸. Observe the mother and take the daughter.  그 어머니를 관찰하고 나서 그 딸을 택하라. … Read more