
A buddy from my old stomping grounds. 내 오래된 쿵쾅거리는 땅에서 온 친구. – Buddy01G

A buddy from my old stomping grounds. Meaning 의미 This sentence simply means a friend or companion from a location or area where the speaker used to spend time. The phrase carries a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences in a specific place. 이 문장은 단순히 화자가 시간을 보냈던 장소 또는 지역의 친구 또는 동반자를 … Read more

The old pipe gives the sweetest smoke. 오래된 파이프가 가장 달콤한 연기를 낸다. – Smoke04P

The old pipe gives the sweetest smoke. Meaning 의미 The meaning of the sentence could be interpreted in different ways. 문장의 의미는 다양한 방식으로 해석될 수 있습니다. Literal Meaning: In a literal sense, the sentence might suggest that an old or well-seasoned smoking pipe produces a more enjoyable smoking experience due to its age and … Read more

No smoke without fire. 불 없이는 연기도 없다. – Smoke03F

No smoke without fire. Meaning 의미 The proverb “No smoke without fire” means that rumors, accusations, or suspicions usually have some truth or factual basis behind them. “불이 없으면 연기가 없다”는 속담은 소문, 비난 또는 의심이 일반적으로 그 배후에 진실 또는 사실적 근거가 있음을 의미합니다. … Origin 유래 The exact source is unknown, but similar … Read more

The strong man is the one who is able to intercept at will the communication between the sense and the mind. 강한 사람은 감각과 정신 사이의 의사 소통을 마음대로 가로 챌 수 있는 사람이다. – Sense03CM

The strong man is … between the sense and the mind. Meaning 의미 The sentence suggests that a mentally strong individual possesses the capability to selectively process or filter incoming sensory information before it reaches the mind. This implies a high level of control over one’s thoughts and emotions, allowing the person to focus on … Read more

A cabin with plenty of food is better than a hungry castle. 배고픈 성보다 음식이 풍족한 오두막이 낫다. – Castle01F

A cabin with plenty of food is better than a hungry castle. Meaning 의미 The meaning of the sentence is that having sufficient resources and basic comforts in a humble place (represented by the cabin) is more desirable than living in a luxurious place (represented by the castle) but lacking the essentials, such as food … Read more

Faithful friend is like a phoenix. 충실한 친구는 불사조와 같다. – Friend28P

Faithful friend is like a phoenix. Meaning 의미 The simile “Faithful friend is like a phoenix” suggests that a loyal and trustworthy friend is rare and valuable, much like the mythical phoenix. The phoenix is a legendary bird that is said to rise from its ashes after being consumed by flames, symbolizing rebirth and immortality. … Read more

Anticipation is the enemy of pleasure. 기대는 즐거움의 적이다. – Anticipation01EP

Anticipation is the enemy of pleasure. Meaning 의미 The meaning of the sentence suggests that when we build up high expectations or excessively anticipate a particular event, activity, or outcome, we may set ourselves up for disappointment. The anticipation can overshadow the actual experience, making it less enjoyable than it would be if we approached … Read more

A mind conscious of guilt is its own accuser. 죄의식을 느끼는 마음은 자신의 고발자이다. – Accuse02GM

A mind conscious of guilt is its own accuser. Meaning 의미 The saying conveys the idea that a person who is aware of their guilt or wrongdoing carries the burden of self-accusation within their own mind. In other words, when someone has committed a wrongful act or has a guilty conscience, they may experience feelings … Read more

Complain to one who can help you. 너를 도울 수 있는 이에게 불평하라. – Complain01H

Complain to one who can help you. Meaning 의미 The saying advises people to direct their complaints or grievances to someone who has the capability and willingness to offer assistance or take action. It implies that venting frustrations to someone who cannot offer any help is unproductive and may not lead to a resolution. By … Read more