
Punctuality is the politeness of kings. 시간 엄수는 군주의 예절이다. – Punctuality01KP

Meaning 의미 The saying suggests that being punctual, or arriving on time, is a sign of respect and courtesy. It implies that individuals in positions of authority or influence, symbolized by kings, should exhibit punctuality as an essential aspect of their behavior. By being prompt, they demonstrate respect for others’ time and show consideration for … Read more

Measure a thousand times and cut once. 천 번 재고, 단번에 잘라라. _ Time24T

Meaning 의미 This proverb encourages thoroughness and caution in preparation before taking action. It emphasizes the importance of careful measurement or planning to minimize errors, avoid wastage, and achieve desired results efficiently. By measuring multiple times and being confident in the accuracy of the measurements, one can proceed to execute the task or make a … Read more

It is the wisest who grieve most at loss of time. 허송세월을 가장 슬퍼하는 사람은 가장 현명한 사람이다. _Time20L

Meaning 의미 The sentence implies that individuals who possess wisdom or intelligence often feel the strongest sense of regret or sorrow when they perceive time as being wasted or lost. It suggests that wise individuals understand the significance of time and recognize its finite nature, leading them to prioritize its optimal utilization. The statement highlights … Read more

It is no time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead. 환자가 죽었을 때는 의사에게 갈 시간이 아니다. – Time13DP

It is no time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead. Meaning 의미 This proverb emphasizes the importance of taking timely action and making proactive decisions. It implies that it is futile or pointless to seek help or take action after a critical situation has already reached its unfortunate outcome. In other … Read more