영어속담모음 English Proverbs Collection

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 낙타가 바늘귀로 들어가는 것이 부자가 하나님의 나라에 들어가는 것보다 쉬우니라. _ Camel01, God26, Kingdom01, Man87, Needle00

Meaning 의미 “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” implies that it is exceedingly difficult for a person who is wealthy or attached to material possessions to enter the kingdom of God or achieve spiritual enlightenment. … Read more

As is the king, so are his people. 왕이 그러하니, 백성도 그러하다. _ King03P

Meaning 의미 Sometimes “As is the king, so are his people.” suggests that the behavior, values, and actions of a ruler or leader have a significant impact on the overall character and conduct of the citizens or followers. It implies that if a king or ruler is just, fair, and virtuous, the people under their … Read more

A cat may look at a king. 고양이도 임금님을 볼 수 있다. _ Cat01, King03

Meaning 의미 The proverb “A cat may look at a king” conveys the idea that even a person of low status or humble origins has the right to observe or gaze upon someone of high rank or authority. It suggests that no one, regardless of their position in society, should be denied the basic right … Read more

No pain, no gain. 노력 없이는 얻는 것도 없다. – Gain01P

No pain, no gain. Meaning 의미 This proverb means that the cost of hard and painful work can be rewarded with greater value in the future. 이 속담은 힘들고 고통스러운 작업의 대가로 미래에 가치가 더 큰 보상을 얻을 수 있다는 의미입니다. … Origin 유래 A concept similar to this proverb goes back to the ancient … Read more

Prefer loss to unjust gain. 부당한 이득보다 손해를 택하라. – Gain03L

Meaning 의미 It appears to be a moral principle or ethical guideline advising individuals to prioritize personal sacrifice or accepting loss rather than pursuing gains obtained through unjust or unethical means.The sentence suggests that it is better to endure personal loss or forego potential gains rather than resorting to dishonest, unjust, or unethical practices. It … Read more

A buckle is a great addition to an old shoe. 버클은 낡은 신발에 큰 도움이 된다. _ Addition00, Buckle01, Shoe01

Meaning 의미 The sentence suggests that by adding a buckle to an old shoe, one can improve its overall appeal or usefulness. It emphasizes the transformative power of a small change. 이 문장은 오래된 신발에 버클을 추가함으로써 전반적인 매력이나 유용성을 향상시킬 수 있음을 제시합니다. 작은 변화의 변형적인 힘을 강조하고 있습니다. … Origin 유래 Irish Proverbs … Read more

Calamity is man’s true touchstone. 재앙은 사람의 진정한 시금석이다. _ calamity01, man00, touchstone02

Meaning 의미 This proverbial expression implies that one’s true character and strength are revealed and tested during times of great distress or misfortune. Calamity acts as a touchstone, a means of assessing the genuineness and resilience of an individual’s nature. It suggests that facing hardships can bring forth hidden qualities and virtues that may remain … Read more

The dog rages at the stone, not at him who throws it. 개는 돌을 던지는 사람이 아니라, 돌에게 화를 낸다. – Dog22S

Meaning 의미 “The dog rages at the stone, not at him who throws it” conveys the idea that sometimes individuals direct their anger or frustration at irrelevant or innocent targets, rather than confronting the actual source of their troubles or grievances. It implies that people may misplace their blame or lash out at symbols or … Read more

One of the great disadvantages of hurry is that it takes such a long time. 서두름의 가장 큰 단점 중 하나는 시간이 너무 오래 걸린다는 것이다. _ Time29DH

Meaning 의미 The sentence implies that rushing or hurrying through tasks can actually result in a longer overall time requirement. When individuals rush without proper planning or attention, they may make mistakes or encounter setbacks that need to be rectified later, thus extending the time needed to complete the task. The sentence emphasizes the counterintuitive … Read more

Measure a thousand times and cut once. 천 번 재고, 단번에 잘라라. _ Time24T

Meaning 의미 This proverb encourages thoroughness and caution in preparation before taking action. It emphasizes the importance of careful measurement or planning to minimize errors, avoid wastage, and achieve desired results efficiently. By measuring multiple times and being confident in the accuracy of the measurements, one can proceed to execute the task or make a … Read more